Monday, April 26, 2010

Well my computer pretty much sucks. It shut itself off as I was almost done with my first post. I will give a quick version of it since I am so frustrated that it didnt save for me. I basically pointed out that in my year of service I feel as though in the beginning and up until now I have reverted back to my old ways of trying to impress people. this all came to a head this weekend when we had the Cabrini Missioners( Michelle, Crystal, and Mary) up for a visit. I felt the whole time like I wasnt being myself and just trying to seem like someone they would like. while they were here I got so mad at myself for doing that that I decided I have to start changing the fact that I do that all the time. I think other people care so much about what I do and it is holding me back. I need to do what is best for me and be myself no matter what.

I feel as though Ineed to take the following words to heart in order to help me do what I want to do and be who I am. I need to learn to "seize the day." Whenever I hear these words I think of the scene/song in Newsies. I need to take the words of the song to heart and apply them to my life right now to help me keep going and doing what I need to in order to be myself.

"Don't be afraid and don't delay. Nothing can break us, no one can make us, give our rights away. Arise and seize the day."

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